Strategic Projects

A list of key strategic Council projects helping to facilitate the planning, growth and development of the region:

Growth Planning

Recognising Adelaide Plains is one of SA’s fastest growing councils, following investigations and consultation, Council adopted a Growth Strategy and Action Plan (GSAP) at its meeting on 24 April 2023.

The purpose of the GSAP is to identify strategies and actions to achieve the liveable population growth of Adelaide Plains.

Acknowledging 80% of known population growth will occur at Two Wells, and with ongoing growth pressures at Mallala, Dublin and through Lewiston, the GSAP identifies a range of actions to address community, recreational, infrastructure, housing, and transport challenges.

The GSAP has a long term view to 2040 with targeted actions focused over the next 5 – 10 years.

The GSAP is principally for Council’s use to assist Council:

  • Consider how to influence the growth of the Council area.
  • Identify what the vision for each town/ settlement is and what is needed including infrastructure by Council and others.
  • Plan ahead for policy change.
  • Plan ahead for Council’s role in infrastructure and services (linked with Long Term Financial Planning).
  • Work with other entities and advocate where necessary about their roles in policy and infrastructure.
  • Work with the private sector in investment attraction.

The GSAP is anticipated to be updated from time to time. Major changes could be subject to consultation.

Growth Strategy Response to Consultation - May 2023 (PDF File, 412.6 KB)

Growth Strategy and Action Plan - May 2023 (PDF File, 844.6 KB)

Growth Background Paper - May 2023 (PDF File, 2.3 MB)

Acknowledging the role of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan in guiding long term growth and influencing Council’s growth planning, Council’s 2023 submission to the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper is below.

Submission to Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - 30 October 2023 (PDF File, 7.0 MB)

Two Wells Growth

Approval of the Two Wells Residential Development Plan Amendment (DPA) in 2013 facilitated the expansion of the Two Wells township by an additional 3,000-3,500 dwellings which is anticipated to accommodate between 8,000 and 11,000 new residents.

A Two Wells Town Centre DPA was approved in 2016 to facilitate the future development of the town centre. Information about Council's strategic purchase in 2022 of 8 hectares of Crown Land in Two Wells town centre is available here.

All rezoning and planning policy amendments proposed through both the Two Wells Residential DPA and the Two Wells Town Centre DPA are now incorporated into the Planning and Design Code.  Key background documents to the DPAs can be accessed below:

Two Wells Main Street Design Guidelines (2011) (PDF File, 9.6 MB)

The Two Wells Walking Cycling Plan (2023) was created through investigations and consultation. The Plan is progressively being implemented. Work is ongoing on a CWMS scheme for the original township and an updated master plan for the Two Wells Oval Precinct. The Growth Strategy and Background Paper contain further information about Two Wells growth.

Two Wells Walking Cycling Plan - September 2023 (PDF File, 8.3 MB)

Two Wells Walking Cycling Plan Consultation Report - July 2023 (PDF File, 730.4 KB)

Open Space Plan

Council has developed an Open Space Plan to guide the provision, development and management of open spaces for the next 10 years and more. The Plan relates to open space that is owned or managed by Council and includes parks, sportsgrounds and natural areas. The Open Space Plan includes concept masterplans for the design and future development of the Mallala, Two Wells and Dublin Oval sites. Undertaking a master plan for the Two Wells Oval Precinct and updating the Open Space Plan is proposed for 2023.

Open Space Plan - Background - 2016 (PDF File, 2.2 MB)

Open Space Plan - Directions - 2016 (PDF File, 3.0 MB)

Dublin Oval Precinct 2023 - 2032 Concept Plan (PDF File, 700.4 KB)

Coastal Planning

The management and development of Adelaide Plain's 47 kilometres of coastline presents an ongoing challenge in balancing the competing demands of the coast as a valuable environmental, social, cultural and economic resource.  Coastal projects and studies are undertaken to protect the coastal environment and promote appropriate activities as the Council population increases.

Coastal Settlements Adaptation Studies

The University of South Australia was commissioned by the Council to undertake a Coastal Settlements Adaptation Study in  2013. The study was to evaluate how rising sea levels will impact on the settlements of Parham, Webb Beach, Thompson Beach and Middle Beach and to propose adaptation strategies to cope with changes in sea level and sea flooding. An updated coastal adaptation study is intended to commence in 2023.

Coastal Settlements Adaptations Study: State of Play Report (2013)

Coastal Settlements Adaptation Study- State of Play - Appendices (PDF File, 3.6 MB)

Coastal Settlements Adaptation Study- State of Play - Final Report (PDF File, 5.5 MB)

Coastal Settlements Adaptation Study- State of Play Report- Final Maps (PDF File, 4.7 MB)

Coastal Settlements Adaptations Study: Framework Reports (2014)

Middle Beach Framework Report (PDF File, 1.8 MB)

Parham Framework Report (PDF File, 1.8 MB)

Thompson Beach Framework Report (PDF File, 1.2 MB)

Webb Beach Framework Report (PDF File, 809.7 KB)

Coastal hazard community emergency management plans are available via Emergency Management.

Storm Water and Flood Management

Areas within Adelaide Plains are subject to flooding from a variety of sources including the Light River, the Gawler River and from localised urban surface water runoff.  Flooding from Salt Creek can also occur due to the Light River and the Gawler River.

Floodplain mapping for the Gawler River and the Light River has been prepared by Australian Water Environments  to help guide development decisions, infrastructure works and mitigation measures in flood-prone areas.

Gawler River Floodplain Mapping - 1 in 100 Year ARI Flood Inundation Map (PDF File, 1.3 MB)

Gawler River Floodplain Mapping - 1 in 100 Year ARI Flood Hazard Map (PDF File, 1.2 MB)

Gawler and Light River Flood Mapping - 1 in 100 Year ARI (PDF File, 5.3 MB)

Council has prepared a Two Wells Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) to help plan future infrastructure upgrades.

Two Wells Stormwater Management Plan (PDF File, 7.6 MB)

Primary Production, Horticulture and Rural Lands

The Northern Food Bowl

The 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide provides a strong commitment to growing the State’s food industry, making the best use of water resources and protecting areas of valuable primary production land.

As part of the Northern Adelaide Plains ‘food bowl’, Adelaide Plains is an area of major primary production and horticulture significance which is vital for the economic and social future of Adelaide Plains and the wider region.

Studies have been undertaken to help plan for the long-term sustainability of broadacre farming and the horticulture industry in the region.

Allied Food Industries Land Supply Study (PDF File, 3.3 MB)

Mallala Broadacre Farming Study (PDF File, 2.4 MB)

Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme - Market Proving Study (PDF File, 1.6 MB)

Virginia and Northern Adelaide Plains Horticulture Study - Framework Report (PDF File, 3.3 MB)

Virginia and Northern Adelaide Plains Horticulture Study - State of Play Report (PDF File, 12.9 MB)

To secure future development and sustainability of Council’s food production areas were undertaken in 2017 and 2018. This was introduced concurrently with the Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme commencing.


Equine Sector

A range of horse based businesses and clubs call Adelaide Plains home. Many residents – in particular in Rural Living areas and through the Animal Husbandry Area in Lewistown – choose to live in Adelaide Plains as they can have horses.

Recognising this significant sector in Adelaide Plains, after investigations and consultation, an Equine Strategy and Background Paper was adopted in 2023.

Equine Strategy (PDF File, 266.1 KB)

Equine Background Paper (PDF File, 2.5 MB)

Equine Strategy Consultation Report (PDF File, 304.4 KB)

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