Township Growth in Dublin

To foster new employment opportunities, especially in the green economy and renewable energy sectors, a code amendment has been proposed by a private developer to rezone land south of the Dublin township.

Proposed Code Amendment

Leinad Land Developments (Dublin) Pty Ltd (Leinad) is proposing to rezone 400 hectares of land from 'Rural Zone' to 'Employment type' to the south of the Dublin township. This will help foster new employment opportunities, including the green economy and renewable energy sectors.

The Leinad Urban Framework Plan to the south of Dublin township, showing proposed land use distributions. Subject to the Code Amendment investigations and engagement, employment land could be established approximately where the purple is.

Council has endorsed potential growth at Dublin, which requires extensive investigations, rezoning, lifting of the Environment and Food Production Area (EFPA) and infrastructure planning. Council supported exploring potential urban expansion south of Dublin on Leinad land in 2019. Consultation in 2022 confirmed there was interest in growth around the Dublin township.

The Leinad land could accommodate approximately 3,500 residents or 1,300 dwellings, which is significantly higher than the residential population of 405 in 2021. A conservative estimate suggests Dublin could grow by 1,000 to 1,400 residents over 20 years (to 2041), which is a growth rate of 6% per annum.

The Code Amendment seeks to introduce a suitable zoning framework to facilitate employment growth, focusing on sectors such as the green economy, manufacturing for the renewable energy sector, defence and infrastructure contractors, and transport industries. The exact boundaries of the new zone will be determined through the Code Amendment’s investigations and engagement.

The initiation of the investigations and engagement for the Code Amendment was approved by the Minister for Planning in March 2024.

What is a code amendment?

A code amendment is a proposal to change the policies, rules, or mapping within the Planning and Design Code for South Australia. You might also see this referred to as ‘rezoning’. They can be initiated by different private or public organisations or agencies. In this case, a code amendment has been proposed by Leinad who are the ‘Designated Entity’ responsible for undertaking the process, including consultation and engagement.

Code amendments – PlanSA

More information about the Code Amendment

This amendment is called the ‘Dublin Green Circular Economy Precinct (Employment Areas) Code Amendment’. More information is available on the PlanSA website.

Initiated code amendments – PlanSA

Township growth

Dublin's future urban growth, particularly to the south and west, aligns with the 2019 Council decision to investigate the Leinad land south of the existing township. This expansion strategy takes into account factors such as potential tourism opportunities, agricultural considerations, proximity to established industries like the Carslake Industrial Area, community amenities, recreational spaces, water reuse initiatives, and the necessary infrastructure requirements.

Last updated 29 July 2024

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