Fortnightly Rubbish Collection

Why rubbish is collected fortnightly

Fortnightly rubbish collection is one strategy to ensure more rubbish is diverted from landfill, and to keep waste management costs low.

In 2019, approximately 37% of rubbish was diverted from landfill in our council region. Our goal is to divert 55% of rubbish by 2026.

This is an initiative we have committed to in the Waste & Resource Recovery Strategy 2021–2026, as a member council of the Northern & Yorke Local Government Association.

Waste & Resource Recovery Strategy 2021–2026

The State Government’s Waste Strategy 2020–2025 requires Regional Waste Management Plans to be in place for all regional local government areas and/or regional city clusters. These plans must set waste diversion targets.

We are a member council of the Northern & Yorke Local Government Association (formerly called Legatus Group). Their Waste & Resource Recovery Strategy 2021–2026 provides objectives, initiatives and waste diversion targets for Adelaide Plains Council.

Fortnightly waste collection (including general rubbish) was identified as a way to:

  1. Reduce collection costs
  2. Encourage people to separate their rubbish with a 3-bin system (general rubbish, recycling and organics)

Objective 1 in the Strategy is to implement high performing waste and recycling systems,  to increase landfill diversion, capture valuable resources for the circular economy and reduce the region’s carbon footprint.

To achieve this, one initiative is for all councils to have a fortnightly 3-bin system in townships. This is identified as a key pathway to meet landfill diversion targets and benefits identified include:

  • increasing diversion of food waste from landfill
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food waste in landfill
  • managing ongoing costs and exposure to the SA solid waste levy.

At the time this Strategy was developed, we already had this system in place.

Consultation with our community

We conducted public consultation in 2019 to hear what our residents preferred for general rubbish collection.

The survey asked whether residents would prefer:

  • Option A: Retain existing fortnightly waste service;
  • Option B: Introduction of a weekly waste service on an ongoing permanent basis;
  • Option C: Introduction of a weekly waste service during school holidays only;
  • Option D: Introduction of a weekly waste service during summer months only.

It also provided indicative costs for these options so residents could understand the impact this would have on Council’s costs.

We received 879 responses, and the majority were not supportive of changes to the fortnightly waste collection service.

These survey results were an attachment to the agenda for the 4 July 2019 meeting of our Infrastructure & Environment Committee.

Fortnightly rubbish collection was endorsed by Council on 22 July 2019.

Request an additional bin

Our waste service charge covers the cost of delivering our current waste collection service. You can request an additional bin to be collected, for a fee.

Request an additional bin

More information

Last updated 20 August 2024

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