
DPTI Road Works Schedule

Link to their online schedule

What Council Provides

The Council provides a transport network in partnership with the Federal Government, Department of Planning, Transport  and  Infrastructure  (DPTI)  and  bordering  Councils  to  enable  safe  travel  for  all  users. Assets included in the Transport Network include:

  • Sealed roads
  • Unsealed roads
  • Footpaths
  • Kerbing
  • Bridges

Measuring our Performance


The Transport assets will be maintained in a suitably usable condition.   Issues found or reported that are outside normal maintenance and/or servicing will be assessed and appropriate remedial action taken.


Our intent  is  that  an  appropriate  Transport  network  is  maintained  in  partnership  with  other  levels  of Government State and Federal stakeholders to provide a network that services both the present and future needs of the community.

Transport asset attributes will be maintained at an appropriately safe level and associated signage and equipment will be provided as needed to ensure public safety.   We need to ensure appropriate maintenance and renewal programs are conducted to ensure that all Transport assets are kept at a level that allows them to provide the service they are intended for.


Council inspect all Transport assets regularly and any reported issues will be assessed as a matter of priority and appropriate remedial action taken.

Councils Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan is prepared under the direction of Councils  vision, mission, goals and objectives.

Our vision is:

“A progressive growing community enjoying a quality lifestyle in a sustainable rural and coastal environment”

Our mission is:

"Provide a safe healthy and sustainable environment for our growing community, business and visitors, by providing quality services, infrastructure and facilities”

Our goals are:

Table 1.1: Organisation Goals and how these are addressed in this Plan