Notification of Road Closure - Wasleys Road - 26 April 2024
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🚧 A section of Wasleys Road in Mallala will be closed tonight 🚧
The Sporting Car Club of SA's All Historic Mallala Street Party is here! 🏎
⛔ Wasleys Road will be temporarily closed from the intersection at Redbanks Road to Elizabeth Street.
⛔ The road closure is in place from 4.30pm to 9pm on 26 April.
🚗 Please detour via Redbanks Road to Marshman Street or Joseph Street to Elizabeth Street.

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Roadside Vegetation

Every day you may drive past a critically endangered native plant, without even realising!

Roadside markers around our region identify sites of roadside vegetation where native and/or threatened plant species have been found.

Roadside Marker signs are small, brightly coloured tags at the beginning and end of the verge. They include a number which identifies the site location.
Spotted a blue roadside marker? If you live near one of these sites, please avoid mowing, spraying or clearing the roadside. You can look up the site number in the full report to find out what you live near!

Markers are installed at 99 sites across the Adelaide Plains Council region to help enhance, protect, and manage important vegetation on our roadsides. Across the sites, 151 native plant species, 3 possible Threatened Ecological Communities and 40 species of fauna have been recorded.

There is limited native, natural vegetation left in South Australia – and much of the remaining native vegetation is on our roadsides. These markers are a helpful reminder that even small spaces of vegetation hold great environmental importance.

People who live near significant roadside vegetation need to be aware of their responsibilities under the Native Vegetation Act 1991.

  • Manage invasive weeds on your property. Read the Weed Control Handbook for Declared Plants in South Australia, PIRSA 2018 [link].
  • Make sure your garden plants do not extend to the verge.
  • Practice responsible pet ownership.
  • Be careful of spray drift when using agricultural chemicals.
  • Do not remove native plants from the verge.