Grants and Funding

Community Partnership Fund 2025 applications are open!

Our Community Partnership Fund supports local community projects that make a positive contribution to our region's community. Applications close 5pm Friday 28 February 2025.

Individual Sports and Cultural Funding

Each year, council allocates annual funding to assist individuals representing the district at a state and/or national level in their chosen field of sport or cultural activities. Applications are open throughout the year, with assessments taking place as required.

Please Note: This program has limited funds and it is not possible to approve all requests for assistance, therefore funding should not be deemed automatic or anticipated.

Guidelines and Application Form

Further information please contact council on (08) 8527 0200.

Further funding

The Australian Sports Commission provides funding opportunities all year round through the 'Local Sporting Champions' program, with funding allocated per federal electorate.

For more information, you can contact them on (02) 6214 1111 or go to

If you are a service, sporting or recreation club, community group or organisation based within the Adelaide Plains Council and would like to be advised of upcoming grant funding opportunities, please contact the Council offices on (08) 8527 0200 or email

For information on other government grants and assistance, including business, industry, communities or individual grants

Letters of support

Once you have completed a grant application, evidence of community support is often required. This may be from stakeholders in the project, the local council or your State and/or Federal Members of Parliament.  The following information may be of assistance:

  • Get in early! Letters of support are usually highlighted at the end of the application and are only thought of at the end of the process and close to the deadline. When you first receive your application make contact with those you require letters of support from as soon as possible; this saves you having to rush around at the last minute and is appreciated by those being approached to prepare a letter for you.
  • Be clear about the project you are seeking funding for and provide all the relevant information when requesting your letter of support, including an overview of your project, how the project is going to benefit the club and/or wider community, general information about your organisation and what efforts have been made to contribute to the cost of the project.  A copy of the completed or draft application would be most helpful.

Other sources of information

You may find the following websites helpful:

GRANTassist -

GRANTassist provides the community access to up to date information on State Government assistance and programs relevent to Community, Clubs and Individuals. GRANTassist can help you locate the assistance and program initiatives most relevant to your needs.

And finally, don't forget to keep your eye on the newspapers as details of upcoming grants are generally advertised in the Saturday editions of 'The Adveriser'.

Community Partnership Fund 2001 – 2016

From 2001 to 2016 our Community Partnerships Fund provided in excess of $500,000 to local organisations to assist projects that help to build stronger communities. Funding of up to $20,000 was available for eligible projects that increase community participation, develop or enhance assets, stimulate growth or provide a service/program to the district.

This program ended in 2017.

Historical List of Successful Applicants

2001-02 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 49.7 KB)

2002-03 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 53.7 KB)

2003-04 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.0 KB)

2004-05 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 57.3 KB)

2005-06 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.5 KB)

2006-07 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 76.8 KB)

2007-08 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.7 KB)

2008-09 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 77.2 KB)

2009-10 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.1 KB)

2010-11 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.3 KB)

2011-12 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 54.5 KB)

2012-13 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 55.2 KB)

2013-14 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 54.3 KB)

2014-15 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 54.5 KB)

2015-16 – Successful Applicants (PDF File, 54.6 KB)

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