Annual Business Plan & Budget 2024/2025

Our Annual Business Plan & Budget is our key annual operational and financial planning document. It describes what services and projects we plan to deliver to our community and how they will be financed.

On this page: Summary / Quick guide & FAQs / Documents

2024/2025 summary

Key projects

Enviable lifestyle Emerging economy Remarkable landscapes Proactive leadership
  • Development of a business case for a Two Wells Sports and Recreation Precinct Master Plan to apply for grants
  • Community partnership funding
  • Business support program
  • Continuation of the Two Wells Town Centre project
  • Heritage Code Amendment consultation
  • Salt damp treatment for the Two Wells Library building
  • Upgrade to corporate records management software
  • Revaluation of land and buildings for insurance and accounting purposes

Capital works program

  • $4.245 million in asset renewals including 39km of road resheeting and 13km of road resealing.
  • $570,000 in new or upgraded assets including a new dog park shelter in Lewiston.

Budgeted income and expenses

  • Total operating income: $18.617 million
  • Total operating expenses: $18.589 million

Grant funding

  • $1.984 million Financial Assistance Grant
  • $463,000 Roads to Recovery Grant
  • $137,000 Supplementary Local Road Funding
  • $112,000 Green Adelaide (for coastal conservation)
  • $31,000 to support library operations


Land category 2023/2024 rate (cents in the dollar) 2024/2025 rate (cents in the dollar)
Residential 0.382163 0.333631
Commercial shop/office 0.554136 0.451456
Commercial other 0.554136 0.476625
Industry light 0.554136 0.494107
Industry other 0.554136 0.539247
Primary production 0.374520 0.300534
Vacant land 0.458595 0.346509
Other 0.382163 0.326491


Service 2023/2024 annual charge 2024/2025 annual charge
Fixed charge $185 $278
CWMS Mallala $740 $792
CWMS Middle Beach $488 $522
Kerbside waste collection: 3 bins $206 $210
Kerbside waste collection: 2 bins $206 $210

Average rate

The average rate is the average amount of rates that a property may pay in our region. This is calculated by:

Total amount of general rates revenue ÷ Total number of rateable properties = Average rate
$13.327 million ÷ 5,937 properties = $2,245

Your rate may be different to this, as each property’s rate is determined by the land use category, and/or changes in property value.

2023/2024 average rate 2024/2025 average rate
Amount $2,136 $2,245

Your questions answered

The business plan and budget is developed over many months of meetings and workshops with Council Members before formal consultation with our community.

We consider both internal and external significant factors, including CPI predictions, superannuation increases and population growth.

We apply ‘zero based budgeting’ by reviewing our current actual level of income and expenditures and compare it with proposed activities for the next financial year to estimate the appropriate level of income and expenditure.

Community consultation on the Annual Business Plan & Budget 2024/2025 was open from 12 June 2024 to 9 July 2024.

We undertake projects each year that do not result in increased ongoing costs, such as the cost of new maintenance or a commitment to deliver services into the future.

We call these operating projects and our list of projects each year often includes preparing new designs, updating policies or undertaking reviews. Sometimes we are required to do these projects to comply with legislation, other times we need to do them to help run effectively.

Council will progressively review the funding allocated to operating projects during the year to respond to emerging and changing demands, priorities and opportunities.

Capital projects involve creating new assets or replacing/upgrading existing assets. Assets are physical things like footpaths, playgrounds and buildings. New assets incur ongoing costs, such as interest, maintenance and depreciation. Replacing our assets does not increase our ongoing costs, as maintenance and depreciation is already built into the budget.

Last updated 16 December 2024

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